all postcodes in CH66 / ELLESMERE PORT

find any address or company within the CH66 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH66 4LE 14 0 53.273761 -2.940274
CH66 4LF 17 0 53.271859 -2.939813
CH66 4LG 17 0 53.273755 -2.939899
CH66 4LH 29 0 53.272876 -2.937361
CH66 4LJ 13 0 53.27208 -2.936878
CH66 4LL 14 0 53.27169 -2.93735
CH66 4LN 7 0 53.27304 -2.939359
CH66 4LP 20 0 53.272445 -2.938446
CH66 4LQ 20 0 53.271266 -2.938675
CH66 4LR 9 0 53.272793 -2.941063
CH66 4LS 8 0 53.273126 -2.941085
CH66 4LT 21 0 53.273726 -2.942433
CH66 4LU 14 0 53.271229 -2.941058
CH66 4LW 10 0 53.27291 -2.938861
CH66 4LX 23 0 53.273662 -2.941517
CH66 4LY 15 0 53.27485 -2.942413
CH66 4LZ 11 0 53.274391 -2.941428
CH66 4NA 13 0 53.275118 -2.943768
CH66 4NB 20 0 53.275855 -2.942615
CH66 4ND 12 0 53.275166 -2.942285