all postcodes in CH / Chester

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Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District

CH / Chester

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH1 3LQ 11 1 53.192271 -2.885595
CH1 3LR 29 4 53.192697 -2.885199
CH1 3LW 6 0 53.193046 -2.886584
CH1 3LY 2 0 53.192531 -2.885362
CH1 3LZ 3 0 53.193328 -2.883716
CH1 3NA 3 1 53.193274 -2.883699
CH1 3ND 82 5 53.19454 -2.883875
CH1 3NE 2 0 53.195327 -2.884117
CH1 3NF 6 2 53.193863 -2.88428
CH1 3NS 2 2 53.196629 -2.879832
CH1 3NT 1 1 53.196629 -2.879832
CH1 3NW 1 1 53.197771 -2.88463
CH1 3PA 1 1 53.196703 -2.881944
CH1 3WN 1 1 53.197771 -2.88463
CH1 3WP 1 0 53.197771 -2.88463
CH1 4AD 69 0 53.196154 -2.896467
CH1 4AE 53 0 53.195844 -2.895847
CH1 4AF 28 0 53.196536 -2.897044
CH1 4AG 39 0 53.197899 -2.895966
CH1 4AH 2 0 53.196583 -2.895265