all postcodes in CH / Chester

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Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District

CH / Chester

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH1 2LF 26 7 53.189691 -2.896109
CH1 2LN 5 0 53.189696 -2.895869
CH1 2LP 2 0 53.189749 -2.895572
CH1 2LQ 6 0 53.189724 -2.896857
CH1 2LR 10 9 53.18961 -2.896525
CH1 2LS 1 1 53.190461 -2.896842
CH1 2LU 34 4 53.190369 -2.89714
CH1 2LY 3 2 53.188871 -2.897604
CH1 2LZ 6 0 53.188753 -2.896852
CH1 2NE 26 0 53.192684 -2.89653
CH1 2NF 29 0 53.192227 -2.89634
CH1 2NH 45 0 53.192263 -2.897539
CH1 2NN 1 1 53.191132 -2.89732
CH1 2NR 22 1 53.191544 -2.896013
CH1 2NS 2 0 53.188447 -2.895365
CH1 2NU 29 1 53.187924 -2.895623
CH1 2NW 140 4 53.188298 -2.896393
CH1 2NX 24 16 53.188902 -2.895029
CH1 2NY 16 0 53.1914 -2.897535
CH1 2NZ 1 1 53.188834 -2.894414