all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 6JN 2 51.74616 0.491793
CM1 6JP 7 51.747604 0.497914
CM1 6JQ 0 51.746998 0.49381
CM1 6JR 0 51.747422 0.49844
CM1 6JS 1 51.747459 0.500036
CM1 6JT 0 51.747078 0.499392
CM1 6JU 0 51.747832 0.497333
CM1 6JW 0 51.745722 0.494609
CM1 6JX 0 51.748695 0.496077
CM1 6JY 0 51.746407 0.49837
CM1 6JZ 0 51.74644 0.497647
CM1 6LA 0 51.74825 0.494589
CM1 6LB 27 51.74878 0.497139
CM1 6LH 0 51.745605 0.487417
CM1 6LJ 0 51.746146 0.489069
CM1 6LL 3 51.747676 0.490689
CM1 6LN 0 51.749068 0.4912
CM1 6LP 0 51.749868 0.49291
CM1 6LR 0 51.750423 0.493448
CM1 6LS 0 51.751219 0.493651