all postcodes in CM / Chelmsford

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District

CM / Chelmsford

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM0 7AA 29 10 51.66247 0.829465
CM0 7AB 44 1 51.663645 0.82883
CM0 7AD 16 2 51.664797 0.829538
CM0 7AE 35 0 51.664188 0.830542
CM0 7AF 18 0 51.665705 0.83107
CM0 7AG 2 0 51.671537 0.831925
CM0 7AH 65 0 51.664243 0.82677
CM0 7AJ 16 0 51.664856 0.827835
CM0 7AL 64 0 51.664021 0.823286
CM0 7AN 13 0 51.66389 0.822005
CM0 7AP 56 0 51.664182 0.819593
CM0 7AQ 32 0 51.663494 0.826883
CM0 7AS 5 0 51.664096 0.820166
CM0 7AT 5 0 51.692519 0.881527
CM0 7AW 18 0 51.664129 0.820689
CM0 7AY 39 5 51.662819 0.826913
CM0 7AZ 15 0 51.662072 0.825435
CM0 7BA 33 1 51.663024 0.823932
CM0 7BB 66 3 51.663332 0.820148
CM0 7BD 19 2 51.665958 0.817447