all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

find any address or company within the CM1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 7BB 0 51.768489 0.471789
CM1 7BD 0 51.766441 0.470401
CM1 7BE 0 51.768102 0.47055
CM1 7BG 0 51.7724 0.468842
CM1 7BH 0 51.766962 0.474285
CM1 7BJ 0 51.766677 0.474154
CM1 7BL 0 51.766373 0.477036
CM1 7BN 0 51.766929 0.472443
CM1 7BP 1 51.763748 0.473602
CM1 7BQ 0 51.765517 0.475844
CM1 7BT 0 51.755526 0.476674
CM1 7BU 3 51.756819 0.473354
CM1 7BW 0 51.772967 0.469714
CM1 7BX 0 51.758032 0.472159
CM1 7BY 0 51.757785 0.471059
CM1 7BZ 0 51.757913 0.469689
CM1 7DA 0 51.758306 0.469798
CM1 7DB 0 51.757255 0.471479
CM1 7DD 0 51.756708 0.471362
CM1 7DE 0 51.756354 0.47156