all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 7HH 0 51.762507 0.452488
CM1 7HN 0 51.772538 0.472111
CM1 7HP 0 51.772294 0.471344
CM1 7HQ 0 51.762664 0.453238
CM1 7HR 1 51.743276 0.494184
CM1 7HS 0 51.744348 0.491969
CM1 7HT 0 51.743507 0.495196
CM1 7HU 0 51.742783 0.492868
CM1 7HW 0 51.773778 0.47173
CM1 7HX 0 51.767388 0.47283
CM1 7HZ 1 51.743219 0.49011
CM1 7JB 1 51.752966 0.485488
CM1 7LE 0 51.773257 0.472571
CM1 7LF 1 51.776433 0.46093
CM1 7NS 0 51.747844 0.486598
CM1 7NT 0 51.746416 0.487765
CM1 7NU 0 51.746967 0.486796
CM1 7NX 0 51.74825 0.486939
CM1 7NY 0 51.746299 0.484383
CM1 7NZ 0 51.746218 0.482655