all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 9TB 1 1 51.73681 0.465641
CM1 9TD 1 1 51.73681 0.465641
CM1 9TE 1 1 51.73681 0.465641
CM1 9TF 1 1 51.73681 0.465641
CM1 9TG 1 1 51.73681 0.465641
CM1 9WB 1 51.73681 0.465641
CM1 9AD 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9AE 1 51.742499 0.500628
CM1 9AG 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9AH 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9AW 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9AX 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9BD 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9BJ 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9FX 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9GZ 1 1 51.742499 0.500628
CM1 9HH 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9HY 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9LQ 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 9LR 1 1 51.742492 0.500602