all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

find any address or company within the CM13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 1BH 0 51.631653 0.34411
CM13 1BJ 1 51.632329 0.344911
CM13 1BL 0 51.631971 0.345745
CM13 1BN 4 51.63228 0.346498
CM13 1BP 0 51.633202 0.349407
CM13 1BQ 0 51.632301 0.343638
CM13 1BS 0 51.634055 0.353655
CM13 1BT 0 51.634644 0.355665
CM13 1BU 0 51.634268 0.355588
CM13 1BX 0 51.635096 0.355125
CM13 1BZ 0 51.635713 0.355273
CM13 1DA 0 51.636242 0.354781
CM13 1DB 0 51.636011 0.353281
CM13 1DD 0 51.636172 0.352856
CM13 1DE 0 51.636452 0.351916
CM13 1DF 0 51.636779 0.352222
CM13 1DG 0 51.636632 0.352807
CM13 1DH 0 51.636465 0.35394
CM13 1DJ 1 51.636056 0.355666
CM13 1DL 3 51.636106 0.356334