all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 3DQ 18 0 51.601345 0.294576
CM13 3DR 4 2 51.592548 0.298811
CM13 3DS 2 0 51.590436 0.299353
CM13 3DT 13 2 51.589631 0.305116
CM13 3DX 2 1 51.59064 0.312299
CM13 3DZ 10 1 51.590354 0.315274
CM13 3EA 10 0 51.589351 0.318846
CM13 3EB 1 0 51.593384 0.313956
CM13 3ED 5 3 51.568806 0.333126
CM13 3EE 2 1 51.589215 0.322521
CM13 3EG 9 0 51.58581 0.329927
CM13 3EH 9 2 51.5706 0.330187
CM13 3EL 2 0 51.566068 0.330201
CM13 3EN 25 10 51.572181 0.315749
CM13 3EP 16 0 51.572016 0.300704
CM13 3EQ 3 0 51.582453 0.327935
CM13 3ES 3 2 51.57518 0.311904
CM13 3EU 8 0 51.576348 0.312267
CM13 3EX 19 2 51.579943 0.311454
CM13 3EZ 5 0 51.58132 0.308709