all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

find any address or company within the CM13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 1SJ 0 51.628063 0.385409
CM13 1SL 0 51.627424 0.385752
CM13 1SN 1 51.625028 0.383429
CM13 1SP 0 51.624648 0.381604
CM13 1SR 0 51.62506 0.382289
CM13 1SS 2 51.627253 0.378648
CM13 1ST 0 51.628995 0.365879
CM13 1SW 0 51.62818 0.359436
CM13 1SZ 0 51.629453 0.364097
CM13 1TA 5 51.638684 0.357669
CM13 1TB 3 51.637318 0.356859
CM13 1TE 17 51.637671 0.354045
CM13 1TF 16 51.637844 0.355311
CM13 1TG 14 51.638736 0.354793
CM13 1TH 1 51.638127 0.35764
CM13 1TJ 9 51.637695 0.356302
CM13 1TN 7 51.636758 0.355488
CM13 1TP 1 51.638094 0.357479
CM13 1UG 0 51.652659 0.360517
CM13 1UH 1 51.651092 0.365973