all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 3BJ 1 0 51.599883 0.302199
CM13 3BL 1 1 51.600335 0.303145
CM13 3BN 2 0 51.599923 0.298027
CM13 3BP 21 11 51.600461 0.298878
CM13 3BU 24 0 51.600743 0.297953
CM13 3BW 1 1 51.598915 0.300359
CM13 3BX 12 0 51.600318 0.297137
CM13 3BY 41 0 51.600511 0.296439
CM13 3BZ 12 0 51.600647 0.295507
CM13 3DA 9 0 51.600926 0.29594
CM13 3DB 10 0 51.601275 0.295568
CM13 3DD 25 0 51.601479 0.296489
CM13 3DE 7 0 51.601018 0.296725
CM13 3DF 11 0 51.601684 0.296572
CM13 3DG 8 0 51.601986 0.296327
CM13 3DH 9 0 51.602531 0.294779
CM13 3DJ 1 1 51.605541 0.296637
CM13 3DP 7 3 51.597498 0.300619
CM13 3DQ 18 0 51.601345 0.294576
CM13 3DR 4 2 51.592548 0.298811