all postcodes in CM14 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM14 5BD 44 0 51.608547 0.300354
CM14 5BE 20 0 51.608019 0.299564
CM14 5BG 20 0 51.607583 0.298863
CM14 5BN 38 0 51.61088 0.302884
CM14 5BP 18 0 51.612207 0.301724
CM14 5BQ 16 0 51.607275 0.298701
CM14 5BS 18 0 51.612627 0.302323
CM14 5BT 28 0 51.612978 0.301864
CM14 5BU 17 0 51.612788 0.302837
CM14 5BX 14 0 51.611977 0.302449
CM14 5BZ 18 0 51.612166 0.302906
CM14 5DA 7 0 51.611796 0.302802
CM14 5DB 40 0 51.61156 0.304278
CM14 5DE 15 0 51.610563 0.305123
CM14 5DF 27 0 51.610288 0.306756
CM14 5DG 32 0 51.610514 0.308991
CM14 5DH 20 0 51.609351 0.30519
CM14 5DJ 35 0 51.609415 0.306812
CM14 5DL 34 0 51.609963 0.309122
CM14 5DP 10 0 51.612605 0.299751