all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 4BZ 1 1 51.701372 0.113475
CM16 4DA 22 16 51.700812 0.113402
CM16 4DB 15 0 51.694415 0.101271
CM16 4DD 2 0 51.694523 0.10204
CM16 4DE 5 0 51.693248 0.098655
CM16 4DF 4 0 51.693034 0.098038
CM16 4DG 1 1 51.69217 0.096059
CM16 4DH 17 1 51.690697 0.092417
CM16 4DJ 2 0 51.689008 0.088054
CM16 4DL 3 1 51.690301 0.093976
CM16 4DP 1 1 51.700565 0.112858
CM16 4DQ 10 0 51.692075 0.095603
CM16 4DS 1 1 51.700005 0.112977
CM16 4DU 1 0 51.690087 0.096368
CM16 4DY 30 0 51.692564 0.101471
CM16 4DZ 29 1 51.690964 0.098159
CM16 4EA 8 0 51.690405 0.09673
CM16 4ED 11 0 51.687449 0.094568
CM16 4EE 7 0 51.688054 0.096433
CM16 4EF 16 0 51.68587 0.095363