all postcodes in CM18 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM18 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM18 6BE 58 0 51.763724 0.111618
CM18 6BG 25 0 51.763628 0.110468
CM18 6BH 2 2 51.763502 0.109272
CM18 6BJ 31 0 51.763202 0.109608
CM18 6BL 41 0 51.764321 0.109428
CM18 6BN 16 0 51.76296 0.107597
CM18 6BW 47 1 51.763683 0.107399
CM18 6BX 10 0 51.761858 0.107835
CM18 6BY 22 0 51.761676 0.108972
CM18 6BZ 28 0 51.761166 0.110325
CM18 6DA 26 0 51.760366 0.110809
CM18 6DB 48 0 51.760922 0.111893
CM18 6DD 36 0 51.762058 0.112236
CM18 6DE 39 0 51.761984 0.11087
CM18 6DF 50 0 51.762563 0.110143
CM18 6DL 20 0 51.76323 0.114566
CM18 6DN 41 0 51.76395 0.114541
CM18 6DP 26 0 51.764209 0.117119
CM18 6DR 18 0 51.763669 0.117166
CM18 6DS 24 0 51.763719 0.115893