all postcodes in CM18 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM18 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM18 7ER 38 0 51.750237 0.11054
CM18 7ES 24 0 51.751097 0.111188
CM18 7ET 10 0 51.751601 0.111661
CM18 7EU 9 0 51.75212 0.111294
CM18 7EX 1 0 51.750469 0.105463
CM18 7EY 6 0 51.75033 0.108356
CM18 7EZ 15 1 51.751055 0.109027
CM18 7FB 1 0 51.771738 0.093931
CM18 7GY 1 1 51.752554 0.119689
CM18 7HA 28 0 51.752313 0.11407
CM18 7HB 21 0 51.751052 0.1142
CM18 7HD 60 0 51.749203 0.114997
CM18 7HE 29 0 51.750237 0.115538
CM18 7HF 44 0 51.750195 0.116362
CM18 7HG 42 0 51.750757 0.116591
CM18 7HH 30 0 51.751259 0.11518
CM18 7HJ 17 0 51.751877 0.114832
CM18 7HL 22 0 51.751531 0.116555
CM18 7HN 13 0 51.752035 0.116549
CM18 7HP 56 0 51.747358 0.105103