all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 2PA 45 0 51.740577 0.461729
CM1 2PB 36 0 51.741101 0.461312
CM1 2PD 49 1 51.739597 0.457971
CM1 2PE 23 0 51.739763 0.459935
CM1 2PF 9 1 51.7392 0.458007
CM1 2PJ 32 0 51.738054 0.456917
CM1 2PL 1 0 51.740031 0.453996
CM1 2PN 21 0 51.740214 0.454702
CM1 2PP 14 0 51.740578 0.45236
CM1 2PR 71 0 51.742445 0.451216
CM1 2PT 15 0 51.739974 0.462294
CM1 2PU 10 0 51.74242 0.449809
CM1 2PW 51 0 51.741266 0.455121
CM1 2PZ 16 5 51.737178 0.464387
CM1 2QA 10 0 51.73701 0.462132
CM1 2QD 20 5 51.737489 0.464487
CM1 2QE 71 39 51.728881 0.456955
CM1 2QF 1 1 51.737755 0.46478
CM1 2QG 1 1 51.737626 0.464049
CM1 2QH 11 0 51.738351 0.464219