all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 6BB 54 0 51.735415 0.494229
CM2 6BG 31 0 51.740926 0.4901
CM2 6BH 1 0 51.731755 0.476387
CM2 6BJ 1 0 51.74018 0.489625
CM2 6BN 20 3 51.738204 0.486905
CM2 6BP 15 1 51.739857 0.490027
CM2 6BS 3 0 51.740446 0.491117
CM2 6BT 33 0 51.739818 0.492719
CM2 6BU 1 1 51.74078 0.491888
CM2 6BW 3 0 51.739071 0.490201
CM2 6BX 12 0 51.741927 0.489518
CM2 6BY 21 0 51.739515 0.491297
CM2 6BZ 11 0 51.738699 0.489485
CM2 6DA 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM2 6DB 9 0 51.738694 0.488905
CM2 6DE 31 0 51.736331 0.489659
CM2 6DF 16 1 51.736257 0.492277
CM2 6DH 27 0 51.735699 0.493144
CM2 6DJ 46 1 51.736847 0.49031
CM2 6DL 12 0 51.736663 0.491778