all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 8BA 27 0 51.713044 0.472383
CM2 8BB 16 0 51.711947 0.472352
CM2 8BD 34 0 51.712156 0.473116
CM2 8BE 34 0 51.712984 0.473509
CM2 8BG 32 0 51.712684 0.47452
CM2 8BH 25 0 51.716798 0.460614
CM2 8BJ 18 0 51.715517 0.462514
CM2 8BL 17 0 51.71582 0.460532
CM2 8BN 15 1 51.715198 0.462323
CM2 8BP 8 0 51.714397 0.461468
CM2 8BS 19 0 51.709646 0.464178
CM2 8BT 27 0 51.70586 0.463726
CM2 8BU 13 0 51.714097 0.462914
CM2 8BW 10 5 51.714897 0.463363
CM2 8BX 33 0 51.712058 0.463223
CM2 8BY 57 3 51.707603 0.463238
CM2 8BZ 2 0 51.70327 0.462727
CM2 8DA 12 0 51.698455 0.475303
CM2 8DB 33 0 51.706779 0.464963
CM2 8DE 3 0 51.712211 0.49689