all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 9BE 34 0 51.718736 0.461284
CM2 9BH 51 0 51.722055 0.461218
CM2 9BJ 11 0 51.71932 0.459984
CM2 9BL 9 0 51.723017 0.460402
CM2 9BN 4 0 51.724632 0.460591
CM2 9BP 9 0 51.723993 0.467463
CM2 9BQ 32 1 51.718558 0.460304
CM2 9BS 13 0 51.723486 0.467175
CM2 9BT 31 0 51.722475 0.466106
CM2 9BU 36 0 51.724357 0.465977
CM2 9BX 35 0 51.723819 0.465036
CM2 9BY 34 0 51.719651 0.465663
CM2 9BZ 27 0 51.71654 0.46477
CM2 9DA 52 0 51.720155 0.464358
CM2 9DB 43 0 51.718424 0.4637
CM2 9DD 42 0 51.717101 0.463338
CM2 9DE 2 2 51.722084 0.475565
CM2 9DF 1 1 51.721427 0.463747
CM2 9DG 1 1 51.720503 0.470907
CM2 9DH 14 0 51.721474 0.464937