all postcodes in CM20 / HARLOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM20 1WG 1 51.767657 0.093815
CM20 1XA 2 51.770399 0.095884
CM20 1XN 12 51.769249 0.09228
CM20 1XP 8 51.768949 0.091991
CM20 1XR 8 51.769385 0.09256
CM20 1XS 7 51.76892 0.092437
CM20 1XT 1 51.768641 0.093614
CM20 1XW 18 51.769081 0.092966
CM20 1YS 3 51.770851 0.092209
CM20 1YU 1 51.768637 0.094368
CM20 1AJ 3 2 51.76802 0.094497
CM20 1PU 2 51.774198 0.08236
CM20 1AS 91 0 51.778009 0.093743
CM20 1PR 34 0 51.77671 0.091958
CM20 1BW 55 0 51.77803 0.09257
CM20 1AT 9 0 51.774337 0.082803
CM20 1AW 0 51.776991 0.093827
CM20 1BU 1 51.772951 0.086378
CM20 1AY 67 0 51.77637 0.093885
CM20 1AU 58 0 51.777448 0.094935