all postcodes in CM20 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM20 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM20 1PP 0 51.779124 0.091707
CM20 1PQ 0 51.777059 0.087495
CM20 1PW 0 51.775702 0.087447
CM20 1PX 0 51.774727 0.082618
CM20 1PY 0 51.774807 0.081129
CM20 1PZ 0 51.775556 0.081975
CM20 1QA 0 51.775379 0.0803
CM20 1QB 0 51.775905 0.079541
CM20 1QD 0 51.775679 0.077603
CM20 1QE 0 51.774602 0.076423
CM20 1QF 0 51.77418 0.075389
CM20 1QG 0 51.775024 0.075993
CM20 1QP 11 51.772418 0.090093
CM20 1QQ 0 51.773352 0.076452
CM20 1QR 11 51.771984 0.090232
CM20 1QX 1 51.771529 0.085457
CM20 1RD 0 51.772833 0.087981
CM20 1RE 0 51.773806 0.088867
CM20 1RF 0 51.774491 0.087782
CM20 1RG 0 51.773062 0.087223