all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 7BD 32 0 51.813113 0.220822
CM22 7BE 8 0 51.811833 0.219526
CM22 7BG 19 0 51.81224 0.218473
CM22 7BH 12 3 51.811938 0.214947
CM22 7BJ 3 0 51.811321 0.214757
CM22 7BL 7 0 51.817129 0.217115
CM22 7BN 4 0 51.81893 0.215159
CM22 7BP 10 2 51.82431 0.215975
CM22 7BQ 24 0 51.8125 0.215613
CM22 7BS 5 2 51.83098 0.21562
CM22 7BT 17 4 51.839844 0.221964
CM22 7BU 10 2 51.841571 0.228088
CM22 7BX 5 0 51.845752 0.234245
CM22 7BY 4 0 51.844875 0.249173
CM22 7DA 5 0 51.84437 0.253953
CM22 7DB 6 0 51.808706 0.235084
CM22 7DD 23 1 51.813771 0.21022
CM22 7DG 15 14 51.870048 0.212499
CM22 7DH 22 0 51.8139 0.20863
CM22 7DL 44 4 51.817877 0.197943