all postcodes in CM24 / STANSTED

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM24 8DX 13 1 51.910033 0.194996
CM24 8EA 28 0 51.910276 0.194513
CM24 8EB 12 0 51.909915 0.196473
CM24 8ED 10 0 51.910677 0.197121
CM24 8EH 18 0 51.910526 0.197942
CM24 8EJ 14 0 51.909312 0.197985
CM24 8EL 44 0 51.903857 0.191479
CM24 8EN 7 0 51.910426 0.19849
CM24 8ES 15 0 51.897117 0.194163
CM24 8EW 4 0 51.91079 0.19874
CM24 8EX 1 1 51.898699 0.189339
CM24 8EY 8 3 51.897397 0.191226
CM24 8GH 17 0 51.901468 0.192819
CM24 8GY 9 0 51.902126 0.1932
CM24 8HA 30 1 51.902514 0.192635
CM24 8HB 3 0 51.900155 0.191869
CM24 8HD 36 2 51.902684 0.192207
CM24 8HE 6 0 51.899898 0.191158
CM24 8HF 9 0 51.902844 0.192319
CM24 8HG 24 0 51.90097 0.190077