all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 1AZ 4 0 51.801976 0.448309
CM3 1BA 16 0 51.803583 0.460508
CM3 1BD 2 0 51.835296 0.525642
CM3 1BG 30 2 51.805171 0.459811
CM3 1BS 20 0 51.804522 0.462445
CM3 1BJ 8 2 51.809506 0.454201
CM3 1BL 9 6 51.813714 0.454241
CM3 1BN 7 6 51.813731 0.45427
CM3 1BP 11 0 51.804926 0.46164
CM3 1BQ 8 1 51.808321 0.454992
CM3 1BT 8 0 51.813244 0.465097
CM3 1BE 2 0 51.809349 0.467264
CM3 1BU 19 0 51.826282 0.463022
CM3 1BW 7 0 51.80572 0.46061
CM3 1BX 13 0 51.8239 0.468117
CM3 1BY 5 0 51.809226 0.477818
CM3 1BZ 5 0 51.796958 0.472374
CM3 1DA 29 0 51.792626 0.458113
CM3 1DB 4 0 51.792145 0.456999
CM3 1DD 19 0 51.791717 0.460718