all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 4BE 10 2 51.742977 0.555808
CM3 4BG 7 4 51.74166 0.538883
CM3 4BH 2 0 51.739536 0.538126
CM3 4BJ 7 0 51.735018 0.533702
CM3 4BL 1 0 51.738832 0.565972
CM3 4BN 2 0 51.741034 0.559042
CM3 4BP 10 0 51.742242 0.57134
CM3 4BQ 1 0 51.741652 0.536872
CM3 4BS 8 1 51.748277 0.57216
CM3 4BT 1 0 51.751789 0.572331
CM3 4BU 3 0 51.752894 0.572379
CM3 4BW 2 0 51.740841 0.564188
CM3 4BX 4 0 51.744202 0.582852
CM3 4BY 6 0 51.748667 0.588381
CM3 4BZ 5 0 51.740957 0.596226
CM3 4DA 7 1 51.738603 0.596946
CM3 4DB 23 0 51.717404 0.568395
CM3 4DD 8 0 51.74154 0.572543
CM3 4DE 44 0 51.714658 0.567747
CM3 4DH 19 3 51.718716 0.572176