all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 2PL 7 0 51.805989 0.571192
CM3 2PN 25 1 51.806646 0.570333
CM3 2PP 4 0 51.806878 0.566299
CM3 2PQ 2 0 51.804375 0.570564
CM3 2PR 6 0 51.806743 0.565493
CM3 2PS 5 0 51.80631 0.565541
CM3 2PT 6 0 51.806562 0.5647
CM3 2PU 9 1 51.807041 0.564625
CM3 2PW 13 2 51.806068 0.565919
CM3 2PY 1 0 51.805375 0.562674
CM3 2PZ 2 0 51.80507 0.56219
CM3 2QA 6 0 51.805098 0.559263
CM3 2QB 1 0 51.804844 0.55938
CM3 2QD 2 0 51.805215 0.558426
CM3 2QE 15 0 51.80511 0.560802
CM3 2QF 4 0 51.805159 0.563097
CM3 2QG 6 0 51.805573 0.558101
CM3 2QH 1 1 51.776651 0.597869
CM3 2QJ 1 0 51.776651 0.597869
CM3 2QP 18 0 51.803515 0.555576