all postcodes in CM5 / ONGAR

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM5 0TN 0 51.733113 0.261432
CM5 0TP 0 51.733685 0.262084
CM5 0TQ 0 51.743116 0.311184
CM5 0TR 0 51.73458 0.26181
CM5 0WT 1 51.703812 0.245164
CM5 0BW 0 51.713109 0.243815
CM5 0AB 0 51.713322 0.244736
CM5 0BZ 0 51.712818 0.244004
CM5 0GW 1 51.717173 0.237284
CM5 0FE 11 0 51.73925 0.276571
CM5 0GL 1 0 51.721705 0.256085
CM5 0FH 1 0 51.713437 0.237954
CM5 0FJ 12 0 51.715452 0.238401
CM5 0FL 1 1 51.758128 0.302793
CM5 0FN 1 0 51.729337 0.305657
CM5 0FP 6 0 51.774121 0.287717
CM5 5AH 1 0 51.703812 0.245164
CM5 5AJ 1 0 51.703812 0.245164
CM5 5AL 1 0 51.703812 0.245164
CM5 5AN 1 0 51.703812 0.245164