all postcodes in CM5 / ONGAR

find any address or company within the CM5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM5 0EH 4 0 51.74688 0.177226
CM5 0EJ 2 0 51.748166 0.172693
CM5 0EL 2 0 51.748315 0.172411
CM5 0EN 4 3 51.750351 0.171711
CM5 0EP 3 0 51.743764 0.178262
CM5 0EQ 10 0 51.75201 0.184224
CM5 0ER 5 0 51.746445 0.179144
CM5 0ES 8 1 51.745303 0.181728
CM5 0ET 3 0 51.740459 0.19608
CM5 0EU 1 0 51.744457 0.200128
CM5 0EW 6 1 51.751032 0.169411
CM5 0EX 8 0 51.746716 0.202249
CM5 0EY 4 2 51.730889 0.233224
CM5 0EZ 8 1 51.723704 0.237894
CM5 0FF 9 1 51.714176 0.237383
CM5 0FG 11 0 51.713437 0.237954
CM5 0GN 28 15 51.722278 0.25481
CM5 0GP 4 0 51.739338 0.216507
CM5 0GQ 19 0 51.742514 0.220558
CM5 0GS 1 1 51.721605 0.256587