all postcodes in CM6 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM6 2LT 4 51.952498 0.345892
CM6 2LU 2 51.950613 0.347512
CM6 2LW 5 51.951668 0.348717
CM6 2LX 0 51.955133 0.347224
CM6 2LY 0 51.953605 0.351234
CM6 2NB 0 51.951236 0.344677
CM6 2ND 7 51.952263 0.344105
CM6 2NE 3 51.950862 0.344032
CM6 2NF 0 51.952294 0.3453
CM6 2NG 3 51.945721 0.333926
CM6 2NH 7 51.936934 0.33264
CM6 2NJ 0 51.941257 0.336822
CM6 2NL 0 51.941894 0.336899
CM6 2NN 1 51.935825 0.311793
CM6 2NP 0 51.935015 0.34322
CM6 2NQ 0 51.942204 0.336231
CM6 2NR 2 51.934031 0.343416
CM6 2NS 0 51.930051 0.344591
CM6 2NT 0 51.933599 0.344325
CM6 2NU 1 51.931182 0.351472