all postcodes in CM6 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM6 3DH 1 51.856196 0.433446
CM6 3NA 1 51.851148 0.460837
CM6 3DJ 3 51.856706 0.434491
CM6 3DL 3 51.857377 0.43637
CM6 3DN 0 51.857148 0.438334
CM6 3DP 0 51.857235 0.439791
CM6 3DQ 2 51.857854 0.43246
CM6 3DR 1 51.858213 0.441166
CM6 3DS 1 51.857465 0.441663
CM6 3DT 0 51.857386 0.442878
CM6 3DU 0 51.857748 0.443639
CM6 3DW 0 51.857199 0.438918
CM6 3DX 0 51.85876 0.444273
CM6 3DY 0 51.859246 0.444693
CM6 3DZ 1 51.859949 0.445922
CM6 3EB 1 51.862304 0.450741
CM6 3ED 1 51.859638 0.444002
CM6 3EE 0 51.86124 0.440007
CM6 3EF 1 51.863528 0.452856
CM6 3EG 0 51.860797 0.444065