all postcodes in CM6 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM6 3NE 0 51.859215 0.461263
CM6 3NF 0 51.859643 0.458875
CM6 3NG 0 51.860167 0.459165
CM6 3NH 0 51.859189 0.463367
CM6 3NJ 0 51.859938 0.463654
CM6 3NL 0 51.862233 0.456692
CM6 3NN 0 51.860988 0.459065
CM6 3NP 0 51.858482 0.462341
CM6 3NQ 9 0 51.860253 0.459794
CM6 3NT 4 0 51.851409 0.462158
CM6 3NU 5 0 51.850553 0.440199
CM6 3NW 20 0 51.860697 0.460908
CM6 3NX 6 0 51.850112 0.391662
CM6 3NY 4 1 51.851154 0.396131
CM6 3NZ 7 0 51.851951 0.399833
CM6 3PA 4 0 51.848553 0.402847
CM6 3PB 2 0 51.843517 0.404131
CM6 3PD 17 0 51.847298 0.414947
CM6 3PE 20 0 51.841745 0.417772
CM6 3PF 1 0 51.841122 0.415691