all postcodes in CM6 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM6 1UF 11 0 51.875956 0.352454
CM6 1UA 12 0 51.875706 0.352833
CM6 1WS 38 0 51.875455 0.351905
CM6 1TZ 12 0 51.877461 0.352285
CM6 1TX 10 0 51.877281 0.352334
CM6 1TP 18 0 51.876767 0.352409
CM6 1TN 11 0 51.87769 0.351658
CM6 1TL 34 0 51.878155 0.352626
CM6 1WU 19 0 51.876048 0.355074
CM6 1XB 26 0 51.875916 0.355358
CM6 1ZG 83 0 51.875343 0.355691
CM6 1ZH 14 0 51.876392 0.355847
CM6 1LU 40 0 51.87718 0.353753
CM6 1ZW 1 51.876441 0.566235
CM6 1FS 32 1 51.871527 0.364382
CM6 1FR 24 0 51.871588 0.365299
CM6 1BL 33 0 51.868693 0.364437
CM6 1GJ 5 0 51.87362 0.348308
CM6 1GL 4 0 51.873806 0.348477
CM6 1GN 8 0 51.873563 0.348929