all postcodes in CM6 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM6 1HP 0 51.87283 0.366599
CM6 1HQ 1 51.868977 0.369972
CM6 1HR 1 51.870563 0.367135
CM6 1HS 0 51.87059 0.368414
CM6 1HT 4 51.871354 0.3694
CM6 1HU 4 51.873371 0.376842
CM6 1HW 0 51.872833 0.368272
CM6 1JA 9 51.860928 0.372612
CM6 1JB 0 51.862627 0.35751
CM6 1JF 0 51.859854 0.362143
CM6 1JD 0 51.858794 0.353053
CM6 1JE 0 51.862771 0.367365
CM6 1JG 0 51.859181 0.360714
CM6 1JH 0 51.84769 0.348511
CM6 1JJ 0 51.843826 0.342458
CM6 1JL 0 51.850375 0.342378
CM6 1JN 0 51.857612 0.340241
CM6 1JP 1 51.850705 0.323475
CM6 1JQ 0 51.851166 0.355835
CM6 1JR 0 51.839 0.320564