all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 1HE 30 0 51.872988 0.552192
CM7 1HF 47 0 51.870321 0.553247
CM7 1HG 29 0 51.867201 0.553622
CM7 1HH 6 0 51.874321 0.551278
CM7 1HJ 11 0 51.870789 0.552402
CM7 1HL 37 2 51.868428 0.553038
CM7 1HN 6 0 51.875876 0.550031
CM7 1HP 9 0 51.873908 0.546258
CM7 1HQ 25 0 51.875205 0.550691
CM7 1HR 11 0 51.864257 0.553775
CM7 1HS 21 0 51.874426 0.549746
CM7 1HT 11 0 51.874422 0.547857
CM7 1HU 39 0 51.873052 0.547968
CM7 1HW 54 0 51.873796 0.548068
CM7 1HX 37 0 51.872787 0.548578
CM7 1HY 20 0 51.870991 0.55096
CM7 1HZ 11 0 51.870599 0.552013
CM7 1JA 39 0 51.870238 0.551252
CM7 1JB 34 0 51.869379 0.550666
CM7 1JD 19 0 51.86984 0.550968