all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 1TF 7 0 51.865818 0.561402
CM7 1TG 22 0 51.866521 0.561733
CM7 1TW 70 0 51.869854 0.567254
CM7 1TX 14 10 51.878691 0.551702
CM7 1TY 1 1 51.878707 0.552197
CM7 1TZ 1 0 51.878478 0.551559
CM7 1UA 1 1 51.878531 0.551998
CM7 1UB 1 1 51.878517 0.551852
CM7 1UD 1 1 51.878528 0.551765
CM7 1UG 16 13 51.879347 0.550881
CM7 1UL 6 5 51.879409 0.55135
CM7 1UN 1 1 51.879625 0.551348
CM7 1UP 1 1 51.879372 0.551406
CM7 1UR 6 4 51.878802 0.551141
CM7 1UT 12 8 51.879016 0.551647
CM7 1UW 1 0 51.879749 0.552677
CM7 1UY 1 1 51.878778 0.551808
CM7 1UZ 3 3 51.878977 0.551776
CM7 1WA 30 0 51.87172 0.566213
CM7 1WG 100 0 51.868958 0.547228