all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 0ZZ 1 1 51.882173 0.552451
CM7 0JT 1 1 51.876441 0.566235
CM7 0JW 1 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0JX 0 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LB 0 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LD 1 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LF 1 1 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LG 1 1 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LH 1 0 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LJ 1 1 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LL 1 1 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LP 1 1 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 0LQ 1 1 51.87645 0.566263
CM7 1AA 37 3 51.86798 0.555032
CM7 1AB 12 0 51.866856 0.55459
CM7 1AD 26 0 51.866751 0.555703
CM7 1AE 4 0 51.867236 0.556152
CM7 1AF 8 0 51.866636 0.556844
CM7 1AG 19 0 51.867564 0.558015
CM7 1AH 56 0 51.867151 0.559227