all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 1TQ 40 0 51.801512 0.621187
CM8 1TR 36 0 51.804845 0.61935
CM8 1TS 31 0 51.804768 0.620346
CM8 1TT 30 0 51.804001 0.620491
CM8 1TU 33 0 51.803585 0.620582
CM8 1TW 19 0 51.800686 0.620327
CM8 1TX 47 0 51.802873 0.621078
CM8 1TY 34 0 51.803704 0.622896
CM8 1TZ 36 0 51.803237 0.623289
CM8 1UA 12 0 51.804208 0.621692
CM8 1UB 31 0 51.804665 0.623779
CM8 1UD 43 0 51.804413 0.62417
CM8 1UE 19 0 51.803587 0.624514
CM8 1UF 23 0 51.803959 0.62558
CM8 1UN 2 2 51.799587 0.627673
CM8 1UP 29 0 51.800756 0.636084
CM8 1UT 8 0 51.795013 0.633922
CM8 1UU 9 0 51.833409 0.59247
CM8 1UX 15 0 51.799606 0.636844
CM8 1UZ 1 1 51.79964 0.639732