all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 1GY 41 0 51.795425 0.630378
CM8 1WZ 1 0 51.80075 0.641552
CM8 1SZ 36 0 51.788431 0.629463
CM8 1UJ 92 0 51.788839 0.629733
CM8 1UG 50 0 51.787443 0.632219
CM8 1UH 11 0 51.787235 0.633091
CM8 1FF 0 51.78973 0.628901
CM8 1FN 0 51.786936 0.630768
CM8 1FL 0 51.787518 0.62928
CM8 1FP 0 51.787267 0.630454
CM8 1GE 13 0 51.795823 0.632301
CM8 1GG 10 0 51.795691 0.632554
CM8 1GH 44 0 51.794471 0.630844
CM8 1GW 34 0 51.795219 0.630757
CM8 1GB 0 51.78876 0.633253
CM8 1FJ 0 51.787861 0.630402
CM8 1WS 1 51.80075 0.641552
CM8 1UQ 0 51.787721 0.631873
CM8 1UR 0 51.798541 0.626193
CM8 1US 0 51.78867 0.628041