all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 2BT 21 0 51.808848 0.637383
CM8 2BU 7 2 51.806842 0.636219
CM8 2BY 33 3 51.809722 0.638508
CM8 2BZ 13 0 51.81288 0.637633
CM8 2DB 19 0 51.808626 0.638038
CM8 2DD 41 2 51.80661 0.638515
CM8 2DE 23 2 51.805982 0.636476
CM8 2DF 60 0 51.805178 0.637401
CM8 2DJ 22 0 51.803431 0.641535
CM8 2DN 33 0 51.803268 0.640757
CM8 2DP 26 0 51.804672 0.640331
CM8 2DR 35 0 51.802559 0.640309
CM8 2DT 40 1 51.804096 0.643559
CM8 2DU 1 1 51.80667 0.641449
CM8 2DW 21 0 51.805137 0.639662
CM8 2DY 21 11 51.800925 0.639387
CM8 2DZ 35 4 51.802938 0.638271
CM8 2EE 9 3 51.804465 0.637952
CM8 2EF 14 0 51.801647 0.637253
CM8 2EH 13 0 51.805199 0.636082