all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 3EA 32 0 51.78249 0.684593
CM8 3EB 4 0 51.784393 0.688288
CM8 3ED 1 0 51.785878 0.688245
CM8 3EE 12 0 51.793114 0.697436
CM8 3EF 13 0 51.794651 0.69863
CM8 3EG 1 0 51.793631 0.702311
CM8 3EH 9 0 51.796494 0.701003
CM8 3EJ 23 1 51.795787 0.699682
CM8 3EL 3 0 51.802006 0.687319
CM8 3EN 15 0 51.805929 0.689221
CM8 3EP 15 0 51.796741 0.676853
CM8 3EQ 2 0 51.797526 0.702266
CM8 3ER 6 1 51.791922 0.677597
CM8 3ES 7 0 51.788197 0.679233
CM8 3ET 4 0 51.793482 0.665534
CM8 3FW 1 0 51.789074 0.677847
CM8 3EU 24 16 51.801746 0.660814
CM8 3EW 7 4 51.808557 0.676536
CM8 3EX 2 0 51.805558 0.657673
CM8 3EZ 8 1 51.81424 0.670256