all postcodes in CM9 / MALDON

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM9 5DR 2 0 51.727163 0.680573
CM9 5DU 1 0 51.726563 0.683695
CM9 5DW 12 0 51.727143 0.682687
CM9 5DX 41 0 51.725668 0.681137
CM9 5DY 36 0 51.725657 0.680818
CM9 5DZ 24 0 51.725085 0.680292
CM9 5EA 16 0 51.72437 0.679685
CM9 5EB 9 0 51.72656 0.683015
CM9 5ED 56 1 51.723224 0.679848
CM9 5EE 55 0 51.724503 0.681749
CM9 5EF 59 0 51.732539 0.674041
CM9 5EG 30 0 51.729834 0.682629
CM9 5EH 19 0 51.731873 0.679955
CM9 5EJ 12 0 51.723573 0.678725
CM9 5EL 1 1 51.734923 0.677557
CM9 5EN 43 0 51.729861 0.680256
CM9 5EP 47 20 51.731462 0.679394
CM9 5ET 54 32 51.730826 0.680443
CM9 5PN 37 29 51.731325 0.677199
CM9 5EW 21 0 51.730063 0.679688