all postcodes in CO1 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO1 2BJ 9 0 51.883799 0.909925
CO1 2BL 40 0 51.884055 0.910494
CO1 2BN 42 1 51.884727 0.90952
CO1 2BP 17 0 51.884284 0.909593
CO1 2BQ 32 1 51.883596 0.909781
CO1 2BS 26 0 51.884641 0.910822
CO1 2BU 60 0 51.884612 0.912332
CO1 2BX 16 0 51.884941 0.913341
CO1 2BY 3 1 51.883261 0.913872
CO1 2DB 1 1 51.88413 0.914016
CO1 2DD 6 0 51.884209 0.913338
CO1 2DE 7 1 51.883705 0.913363
CO1 2DG 42 0 51.883884 0.912314
CO1 2DH 23 0 51.883935 0.910995
CO1 2DL 43 2 51.881595 0.913575
CO1 2DN 11 1 51.882196 0.914007
CO1 2DP 41 0 51.883372 0.912659
CO1 2DR 25 0 51.882963 0.914623
CO1 2DS 30 0 51.882923 0.915522
CO1 2DT 36 0 51.883722 0.914876