all postcodes in CO / Colchester

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District

CO / Colchester

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO1 1AG 42 0 51.898868 0.896623
CO1 1AH 13 0 51.898193 0.897001
CO1 1AJ 38 0 51.898482 0.896235
CO1 1AN 6 0 51.898336 0.897417
CO1 1AP 64 0 51.89882 0.898931
CO1 1DZ 29 10 51.891061 0.896673
CO1 1BB 1 1 51.88979 0.896053
CO1 1BG 16 0 51.898597 0.895224
CO1 1BN 5 2 51.898931 0.907662
CO1 1BP 9 6 51.89892 0.907631
CO1 1BQ 54 0 51.893309 0.899231
CO1 1BW 11 6 51.898911 0.907631
CO1 1BX 16 15 51.898659 0.89975
CO1 1BY 41 0 51.89325 0.898355
CO1 1BZ 5 0 51.892183 0.895655
CO1 1DA 21 12 51.889334 0.897158
CO1 1DB 12 4 51.889436 0.898371
CO1 1DF 1 1 51.889055 0.900308
CO1 1DG 1 1 51.889422 0.898573
CO1 1DH 19 11 51.889587 0.900648