all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

find any address or company within the CO10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 2UU 2 1 52.037541 0.732694
CO10 2UZ 1 1 52.044772 0.754851
CO10 2WA 1 1 52.044772 0.754851
CO10 2WR 81 0 52.037497 0.73826
CO10 2WS 46 0 52.037141 0.738093
CO10 2WT 31 0 52.050149 0.739851
CO10 2XA 22 5 52.037419 0.73426
CO10 2XB 22 4 52.035593 0.739296
CO10 2XD 16 16 52.04183 0.748969
CO10 2XE 3 3 52.040138 0.747465
CO10 2XG 20 20 52.042329 0.754162
CO10 2XH 14 12 52.039824 0.7459
CO10 2XJ 1 0 52.037918 0.737178
CO10 2XQ 11 11 52.046225 0.749078
CO10 2XW 3 3 52.040789 0.749255
CO10 2XX 9 7 52.039904 0.746122
CO10 2XZ 8 0 52.042786 0.740159
CO10 2YA 14 12 52.045473 0.753539
CO10 2YB 5 0 52.050518 0.739874
CO10 2YG 6 5 52.046048 0.74488