all postcodes in CO11 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO11 2JZ 4 0 51.945513 1.023345
CO11 2LA 4 0 51.943014 1.049953
CO11 2LB 34 0 51.945456 1.049595
CO11 2LD 24 0 51.946814 1.048581
CO11 2LE 41 0 51.947542 1.048587
CO11 2LF 41 0 51.946379 1.053908
CO11 2LG 43 0 51.947197 1.051853
CO11 2LH 21 14 51.948996 1.049545
CO11 2LP 6 0 51.937197 1.016209
CO11 2LQ 35 0 51.947832 1.050237
CO11 2LS 29 2 51.935045 1.007334
CO11 2LT 8 1 51.933515 1.017402
CO11 2LU 10 0 51.936922 1.010472
CO11 2LW 1 1 51.945231 1.062765
CO11 2LX 15 0 51.930834 1.016393
CO11 2LY 11 0 51.933307 1.022713
CO11 2LZ 12 0 51.93877 1.043132
CO11 2NA 1 0 51.938006 1.010617
CO11 2NB 1 0 51.938547 1.04447
CO11 2ND 13 0 51.933909 1.038583