all postcodes in CO12 / HARWICH

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO12 3BJ 32 0 51.939157 1.28393
CO12 3BN 20 0 51.940631 1.285261
CO12 3BP 8 1 51.942622 1.286745
CO12 3BQ 25 0 51.939105 1.282893
CO12 3BS 9 1 51.940883 1.285876
CO12 3BW 48 0 51.941719 1.286213
CO12 3BZ 12 0 51.939681 1.283503
CO12 3DA 30 2 51.944933 1.288064
CO12 3DB 44 13 51.945578 1.287165
CO12 3DD 39 0 51.946371 1.286466
CO12 3DE 15 0 51.946319 1.287059
CO12 3DF 14 0 51.938904 1.285251
CO12 3DG 2 0 51.946565 1.28584
CO12 3DJ 10 0 51.944855 1.288582
CO12 3DL 4 0 51.94494 1.289069
CO12 3DP 2 0 51.945513 1.287903
CO12 3DQ 3 0 51.94459 1.288737
CO12 3DR 12 3 51.945303 1.28863
CO12 3DS 42 9 51.94607 1.287609
CO12 3DT 6 0 51.945622 1.289468