all postcodes in CO15 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO15 1AA 0 51.786572 1.138969
CO15 1AB 0 51.785247 1.137746
CO15 1AD 0 51.784321 1.137058
CO15 1AE 0 51.785235 1.136179
CO15 1AF 0 51.783376 1.137747
CO15 1AG 2 51.78273 1.136324
CO15 1AH 0 51.782712 1.142065
CO15 1AJ 2 51.78119 1.13439
CO15 1AL 0 51.78284 1.135578
CO15 1AN 0 51.783358 1.13673
CO15 1AP 0 51.784025 1.13566
CO15 1AR 0 51.785112 1.135721
CO15 1AS 0 51.786415 1.135768
CO15 1AT 0 51.786778 1.137316
CO15 1AU 0 51.78638 1.137419
CO15 1AW 0 51.784129 1.136479
CO15 1AX 0 51.784369 1.136278
CO15 1AY 0 51.78239 1.140984
CO15 1AZ 1 51.785458 1.140359
CO15 1BA 0 51.784767 1.138539