all postcodes in CO15 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO15 2DJ 17 0 51.795923 1.13167
CO15 2DR 15 0 51.787511 1.119371
CO15 2DN 16 0 51.787594 1.118275
CO15 2DS 7 0 51.793557 1.13168
CO15 2DX 6 0 51.776216 1.121576
CO15 2DY 10 0 51.775995 1.121764
CO15 2DZ 9 0 51.775415 1.121912
CO15 2EB 13 5 51.775849 1.121174
CO15 2ED 7 0 51.775774 1.121966
CO15 2EE 3 0 51.775252 1.121292
CO15 2EF 7 0 51.775085 1.120788
CO15 2EG 12 3 51.775618 1.12045
CO15 2EH 9 4 51.775487 1.119991
CO15 2EL 6 0 51.774731 1.119574
CO15 2EN 16 0 51.776978 1.118627
CO15 2EP 33 0 51.775907 1.118641
CO15 2EQ 8 0 51.775012 1.120493
CO15 2ER 9 0 51.77499 1.119317
CO15 2ES 8 0 51.774666 1.119294
CO15 2ET 8 0 51.775082 1.118526