all postcodes in CO15 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO15 4BU 33 0 51.804287 1.149877
CO15 4BX 42 0 51.804115 1.15326
CO15 4DA 19 7 51.805128 1.154724
CO15 4DD 23 7 51.805893 1.155372
CO15 4DF 26 0 51.806947 1.154648
CO15 4DG 7 0 51.807834 1.154768
CO15 4DH 33 0 51.806284 1.154195
CO15 4DL 33 0 51.806293 1.153195
CO15 4DQ 25 0 51.805256 1.151309
CO15 4DR 8 0 51.805626 1.148883
CO15 4DS 11 0 51.805583 1.148154
CO15 4DT 9 0 51.806781 1.148412
CO15 4DU 22 0 51.806992 1.149268
CO15 4DX 26 0 51.806981 1.151037
CO15 4DY 20 0 51.806381 1.149936
CO15 4DZ 14 0 51.805824 1.1519
CO15 4EA 14 0 51.807989 1.146973
CO15 4EB 41 0 51.807268 1.147372
CO15 4ED 5 1 51.807781 1.149033
CO15 4EE 12 0 51.808958 1.149753